Thursday, March 17, 2011


We like it when we know the answers
When we know what is coming next
When we do not have to wonder
It is easy to be surrounded by those who know us
We can stand confidently in that moment
Being seen and held
And loved for who we are

But the moments where we are not sure what is coming next
The times when we are surrounded by strangers
Showing up because we know we have to be there
But we are not sure what to do
Those are the times that challenge us
They test our strength and our courage
They force us to move outside our box

They are not easy
They are uncomfortable
And push us to look deep within
To know who we are
And stand firmly on those two legs
Even amidst adversity

It is in those awkward moments
That we learn
About the world
And those surrounding us

It is in those moments
That we see who we are
Deep down inside
And we can be proud of that person

It takes effort
To be in that place
To soak up what is happening
Outside of ourselves
And deep within

But once we move past the difficult feelings
We can just be
Where we are
Exactly as we are
A little bit stronger than we were before


marilyn said...

how did you know i needed this, needed you and your words. beauty. you embody it. i just love you. yep.

Elizabeth Halt said...

Ha. How did you know that I do like to have a plan? I feel very lost when I cannot see the path. I am working on it .. so thank you for helping to light my way.