Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I must

I must show up
Put pen to paper
Be in the moment
Let my heart and soul speak

I must let it flow through me
The secret words longing to be expressed
No longer holding onto them

I must be flexible
Let my hand take me where my heart wants to go
Never questioning why

I must be brave
And trust the process
Simply moving right along

I must be


Kolleen said...

trust your path dear friend.....sending you love and hugs!!!

miss you!

beth said...

no matter how "here" we are....there will always be secret words that won't make it to the paper in front of us....our mind sometimes has to hang on to something for only us to know....

Elizabeth Halt said...

my mind is not so fond of the trusting-the-heart thing. it is learning. :)

chrissy said...

i love this little can you not be instantly happy looking at that dear face...if even for a moment.