Sunday, July 31, 2011

the only way I know how

I open up to the world
Showing my vulnerable pieces
Doing this enables me to connect more deeply with others
It brings me closer to them
Gives me a chance to feel and be free
It is a beautiful thing

There were moments in my life when I was deep in the fire
Pushed down into the gutter
My heart torn to shreds
Dark skies covering my world
There were moments I wasn't sure if I would make it

But I always did
The hurt doesn't stop me
The pain that was there doesn't hold me back
I keep pushing forward
Holding my heart in the palm of my hands

I share my most vulnerable pieces
I am not afraid to take a risk
Show my emotions
Feel the world

I stand deeply in the unknown
My past does not dictate my future happiness
I let go
Releasing that which no longer serves me

I raise my head up towards the sun
Wishing for the best
And taking the leap

One may think this is a dangerous way to live
But it is the only way I know how
Risking my heart
Daring to dream
Feeling my way through the world


Donna Wynn (Yogiknitgirl) said...

It is no coincidence that I am up early this morning to receive your beautiful post. I am thrilled to be the first to leave a comment this time. Your post spoke directly to my heart, as it always does. Thank you for being so open, so genuine and so true to the heart. I love the part where you are willing to take risks and let go of what no longer serves you. This is a lesson for all of us to take heed to! Those of us who are lucky to call you friend, and I am blessed to be in that group, are walking inspired from your love and light! Your soul is wide open. Thank you!
Love to you, Donna

Happy Mama (Lisa Gonzalez) said...

Such wisdom in these words, friend. I'm proud of you. Thank you for the inspiration!


kelly barton art + design said...

you got it going on girlie.
you share your truth and path
with each of us.

sending us a little gift always.

Anonymous said...

all of your words touch me, some break me wide open, like...

'Holding my heart in the palm of my hands'

thank you ♥