Sunday, May 22, 2011

brought back home

It is a place I love going to
Spending hours upon hours
Writing, reading, soaking in the goodness of just being there
But now every time I walk through the doors
The feeling is not the same
Sadness fills me up inside
As I feel your presence within these walls
I know you are not there
But still I feel you, so strongly

Today when I went inside
I had to leave quickly
The feeling of you being there was so powerful
It is a funny thing that can happen with a place
Holding onto your hopes
When you are trying to let them go
Exposing feelings
That you are trying to forget
And resurfacing memories
That you are trying to leave behind

Today I as flooded with those thoughts
Brought back to your smile
The day we met
The words you said
The moments we shared together
It made my heart sad
To look back
And feel it all again

1 comment: said...

So raw, yet full of truth... it is hard to let go.
Life sometimes can hold such a painful memory.
I am always hopeful for a new day. :]