Lately I have been getting angry quickly,
I feel it bubbling up inside me...
I am not as patient as I normally am.
I also have been getting upset over the smallest things...things that normally would not phase me at all.
I am not sure why.
Something must be causing this sadness and anger.
I am trying to remember to slow down, breathe, and remember other people.
I am searching for a word I can put on a bracelet, write on a ribbon and tie it around my wrist, or even write on my hand...
a word to remind me to
and remember....
life is a matter of thinking.
I need to shift my thinking, and right now I am a little stuck at how to do this.
I need to ground myself, and bring myself back to .. "me"
Any suggestions?
Sounds to me like you're on the right track. BREATHE. It's really hard to stay in that angry place when you're simultaneously taking deep breaths. When I get in a place like that, I get back to basics...a long shower (or bath if one prefers)...a mug of herbal tea...lit candles...stepping away from the computer and TV...reading a book that has positive messages. And sometimes I simply need to journal my angry vent. I usually don't keep it though...I throw it away (or burn it). Because--for me--it's not about rereading it's just to get it out of my head (where I'm usually having an angry imaginary dialogue) and onto the paper. I sometimes find great comfort in tiny tokens I can tuck into a pocket...that I can slip into my hand when no one's looking...a tiny angel or a smooth stone or a rock with a word on it... Then, when you're ready, you can take some private, quiet time to really listen to your intuition to understand WHY you feel so angry.
I agree with Marilyn. The first thing is to breathe. The next thing might be to become aware of your anger. Just observe it without judging it as good or bad. You could say to yourself, "I know that I am angry."
Myself, I find that my temper is short when I am not taking good care of my own needs, when I am putting others' needs before my own. The things Marilyn mentions, like a long bath or tea, are great ways to show yourself good caring and love.
Maybe try dialoguing on paper with the part of you that is angry. You can ask, "Why are you upset?" and see what answer comes back. Keep writing each side of the dialogue for as long as it remains productive. If either voice becomes abusive, take a break and come back later.
Thank you both so much for your ideas and inspiration. I will let you know how it all goes.
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