Thursday, June 05, 2008

The sun is my guide...

The sun is shining and the air is washing a light breeze over me.  
I smile
Whoever thought I would be here?

Before I was filled with so many harsh emotions.
I had gone through an incredible storm,
and it has just begun to calm down.

The sun is smiling as if to say...
You are ok, and You are where you need to be.
Embrace this moment.

I look around, taking it all in.
The leaves on the trees, the clouds in the sky, 
The feel of the hot sun on my skin.

All that surrounds me is healing me.
Enveloping me in a swirl of love and strength.
Refueling my soul for whatever lies ahead.  

The sun is my guide.
She holds me gently,
and has lead me to this safe haven. 


♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

WO-AH... thats so amazing... totally true... nice way of looking at it. i hate summmer though ...this poem is one of ur best ones...loved it..keep writing

btw my blogs updated..chk it out when u can

WhimsicalBird said...

Breathe in. Breathe out. This is painfully beautiful and, oh, so true.

**You are ok, and You are where you need to be**